Delaware Sex Offender Map

The Delaware Sex Offender Registry is composed of 4,871 registered individuals who have committed sexual offenses. That number has been steadily increasing in the last eight years too. One of the great features that the Delaware Sex Offender Registry includes is information pertaining to homeless offenders, and it even discloses information regarding individuals who have failed to register at the time.

Locate Sexual Predators in Delaware with SeekVerify

The state of Delaware is committed to tracking all the sexual predators that live between its borders. The information they receive changes at a fast pace, and it is very hard for anyone to keep up with. This is where SeekVerify comes in to help. It is an excellent tool that sends important information in a timely manner.

If you want to stay updated about the sexual predators in your neighborhood, then SeekVerify is the perfect tool. Just enter you e-mail address into the form below to get all the benefits it has to offer. You can manually track the offenders in your area, but the application will still be sure to send you the latest information as soon as it changes. Further, you can receive local updates, but you can also receive information about offenders in any other state too.

Enter your email below to see how many Registered Sex Offenders live in  your Delaware neighborhood.  This information is provided by SeekVerify.
Enter your email to identify sex offenders in Delaware now.
(2018 Summer Special Special: 7 day trial for only $1)*

*Why is SeekVerify better than any other sex offender registry?

SeekVerify is an innovative application focused on protecting families from offline and online sexual offenders and predators by providing web-based family protection tools.

SeekVerify Family protection tools include:

  • Search, map, and view sex offenders near your home
  • Email alerts when new offenders move near your home
  • Monitor the area around your home and 3 other locations (school, other family members)
  • Online protection against child predators with award-winning Internet Filtering Software
  • Lost/Missing child Emergency Response Profiles



Get Notifications when Registered Sex Offenders Move in your Neighborhood

SeekVerify keeps communities close by providing a resource where everyone is ensured the same information. Additionally, the application lets users submit their own notifications if they see anything suspicious. Meanwhile, each user can get the information they want.

The safety in your community can change instantly. SeekVerify guarantees that you receive important information as soon as possible; so be sure to sign up by filling out the form above. SeekVerify can save you lots of time by filtering through all the information out there to send the most important updates right to your email. Empower yourself and protect your loved ones by using SeekVerify. You can also receive notifications for up to 4 addresses of any registered sex offender activity within a 5 mile radius.

Largest Cities & Neighborhoods in Delaware

SeekVerify is beneficial for anyone, but it is especially important for people who happen to live in one of the largest cities in Delaware. A city stands to have a higher amount of offenders if it has a higher population. The following list is comprised of the most populated locations in Delaware. If you happen to live in one of the following towns or cities then you should certainly register with SeekVerify today.

  1. Wilmington
  2. Dover
  3. Newark
  4. Middletown
  5. Smyrna
  6. Milford
  7. Seaford
  8. Georgetown
  9. Elsmere
  10. New Castle


Enter your email address above to identify how many Registered Sex Offenders are in your neighborhood.

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