Hawaii Sex Offender Map

When you take a look at the statistics tied to the victims that have gone through the Sex Abuse Treatment Center, it’s a rather bleak picture. The average age for a male or female victim of sexual assault or abuse in the state of Hawaii is 18, and 90% of the assault cases in Hawaii are situations where the victim was a woman. Native Hawaians are the group of people who are most affected by sex offenders in this state, although the problem is rather evenly distributed throughout all races. Only 16.3% of the sexual assault cases in this state where committed by completely strangers, and a vast majority of the victims actually knew the person who assaulted them.

Locate Sexual Predators in Hawaii with SeekVerify

With these kinds of statistics coming out of the state of Hawaii, it makes sense for families to take action against these kinds of sexual predators. There are currently 2,940 sex offenders living in Hawaii, which is actually a relatively low number when you compare the state to the rest of the country. Having said that, the fact of the matter is that sexual predators and child molesters are still out there. The best way to find out what kind of people are living in your neighborhood is to checkout the SeekVerify system. This system can send instant notifications to your email whenever there is a new sex offender who is moving into your neighborhood.

Enter your email below to see how many Registered Sex Offenders live in  your Hawaii neighborhood.  This information is provided by SeekVerify.
Enter your email to identify sex offenders in Hawaii now.
(2018 Summer Special Special: 7 day trial for only $1)*

*Why is SeekVerify better than any other sex offender registry?

SeekVerify is an innovative application focused on protecting families from offline and online sexual offenders and predators by providing web-based family protection tools.

SeekVerify Family protection tools include:

  • Search, map, and view sex offenders near your home
  • Email alerts when new offenders move near your home
  • Monitor the area around your home and 3 other locations (school, other family members)
  • Online protection against child predators with award-winning Internet Filtering Software
  • Lost/Missing child Emergency Response Profiles



Get Notifications When Registered Sex Offenders Move in Your Neighborhood

Since the notifications that you get with the SeekVerify system are instant, you will be able to figure out exactly where a sex offender is planning to move before that move even takes place. There is not a lot of land area in the state of Hawaii, which means you need to keep an eye on exactly who is living around you at all times. There are only so many houses and apartments available to the sex offenders in this state, so the SeekVerify system can be valuable when it comes to figuring out exactly where these people live. The information used for this system is publicly available on the official Hawaii sex offender registry website, but the notifications in this system are definitely worth it. You can receive notifications for up to 4 addresses of any registered sex offender activity within a 5 mile radius.

Largest Cities in Hawaii

It’s hard to find space out in the countryside in Hawaii, but that’s exactly what you should do if you want to avoid sex offenders as often as possible. You will probably run into a sexual predator without knowing it on a regular basis if you live in one of the large Hawaiian cities, so make sure that you understand this fact before you make the move to Honolulu. Let’s take a look at the ten biggest cities in this state when it comes to sexual predator activity.

  1. Honolulu
  2. Hilo
  3. Kailua
  4. Pearl City
  5. Waipahu
  6. Kaneohe
  7. Mililani Town
  8. Kahului
  9. ‘Ewa Gentry
  10. Kihei


Enter your email address above to identify how many Registered Sex Offenders are in your neighborhood.

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