Indiana Sex Offender Map

In the State of Indiana, once a person has been convicted of a violent crime or a crime o a sexual nature, he or she is required to register his or her name and whereabouts into a statewide registry. The sex offender registry is maintained by online by the Indiana Sheriffs’ Association. Sex offenders in Indiana must register where they live, attend school, work, and/or own property. Indiana works to regularly update the sex offender registry (

Find Sex Offenders in Indiana Now with SeekVerify

In 2013, Indiana reported 14,585 resident sex offenders. People who have been convicted of committing sex crimes may reside in or near typical, family-oriented neighborhoods, and in many cases, they change location frequently. SeekVerify is great tool that can help you stay abreast to the current population of sex offenders who live near you and your loved ones. Because people’s place of employment, residence, and school enrollment may change relatively frequently, community members must remain aware of the people who are constantly moving in and out of their neighborhoods every day and may pose an otherwise unknown hazard to unsuspecting individuals and families who live in the community.

Enter your email below to see how many Registered Sex Offenders live in  your Indiana neighborhood.  This information is provided by SeekVerify.
Enter your email to identify sex offenders in Indiana now.
(2018 Summer Special Special: 7 day trial for only $1)*

*Why is SeekVerify better than any other sex offender registry?

SeekVerify is an innovative application focused on protecting families from offline and online sexual offenders and predators by providing web-based family protection tools.

SeekVerify Family protection tools include:

  • Search, map, and view sex offenders near your home
  • Email alerts when new offenders move near your home
  • Monitor the area around your home and 3 other locations (school, other family members)
  • Online protection against child predators with award-winning Internet Filtering Software
  • Lost/Missing child Emergency Response Profiles



Convenient, Up-to-Date Information

When it comes to knowing the location of sex offenders, it is important to remain aware with the most up-to-date information as possible. SeekVerify is able to send notifications to you via email, notifying  you of sex offenders who have relocated into your area. You can receive notifications for up to 4 addresses of any registered sex offender activity within a 5 mile radius.

Largest Cities in Indiana

The following cities are the largest in the State of Indiana. Because these cities have larger general populations, they tend to report a higher concentration of sex offenders. If you live in or near one of these cities, knowing your neighbors and the local surroundings can go far in helping you maintain the safety of your family. SeekVerify makes that process easier by notifying you when a sex offender moves into your area:

  1. Indianapolis
  2. Fort Wayne
  3. Evansville
  4. South Bend
  5. Carmel
  6. Bloomington
  7. Fishers
  8. Hammond
  9. Gary
  10. Muncie


Enter your email address above to identify how many Registered Sex Offenders are in your neighborhood.

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