Oklahoma Sex Offender Map

The Sex Offender Registry in Oklahoma is run by the state’s Department of Corrections. The registry is constantly being upgraded to make it more accurate and reliable, and its accuracy will even depend on the help of all citizens in the state. One of the features that helps them the most is acquiring information to make it known that listings in the registry are incorrect or need to be updated.

Another great feature is having an e-mail list that anyone can sign up for. This feature acts as back up for citizens that want to stay updated as much as possible. Anyone interested would just have to supply their e-mail address and an area they want to be informed about.

Locate Sexual Predators in Oklahoma with SeekVerify

Right now, Oklahoma has 7,701 registered sex offenders. The state’s registry has been consistently around that number for years now. Some may think that means that not much has changed, but that is not true at all. Keeping up with the state’s registry as often as possible is important, because you never know when an offender will switch addresses or find a new place of employment.

People may want to check the registry as much as possible, but it is hard for many to find the time. Fortunately for them, SeekVerify is the solution they need. SeekVerify is an innovative notification system that can be personalized to the preferences of each user. Its use does not cost anything, and the alerts can be sent to a phone, tablet device, or e-mail address.

Enter your email below to see how many Registered Sex Offenders live in  your Oklahoma neighborhood.  This information is provided by SeekVerify.
Enter your email to identify sex offenders in Oklahoma now.
(2018 Summer Special Special: 7 day trial for only $1)*

*Why is SeekVerify better than any other sex offender registry?

SeekVerify is an innovative application focused on protecting families from offline and online sexual offenders and predators by providing web-based family protection tools.

SeekVerify Family protection tools include:

  • Search, map, and view sex offenders near your home
  • Email alerts when new offenders move near your home
  • Monitor the area around your home and 3 other locations (school, other family members)
  • Online protection against child predators with award-winning Internet Filtering Software
  • Lost/Missing child Emergency Response Profiles



Get Notifications when Registered Sex Offenders Move in your Neighborhood

Information in Oklahoma’s Sex Offender Registry can change at anytime. If you want to keep you and your family safe, then SeekVerify is for you. Just enter you e-mail address into the form on the right, and you can get started immediately. With SeekVerify, you will never have to worry about checking the registry, because any new information that is relevant to you will be sent to your devices. You can receive notifications for up to 4 addresses of any registered sex offender activity within a 5 mile radius.

You can have any location in the United States be monitored by SeekVerify. Not only that, but there are many more types of updates that can be selected. For example, you can have notifications sent to you regarding severe weather information and general crime reports. SeekVerify is great for providing notifications, but it is a very collaborative resource too. Specifically, all users can report important information themselves. Hence, if you see anything suspicious, report it to SeekVerify immediately.

Largest Cities in Oklahoma

Listed below are the 10 largest cities in the state of Oklahoma. They are significant, because they will have more registered sex offenders in their jurisdictions than any of the other cities and towns in the state. For that reason, SeekVerify is an essential resource to utilize.

  1. Oklahoma City
  2. Tulsa
  3. Norman
  4. Broken Arrow
  5. Lawton
  6. Edmond
  7. Moore
  8. Midwest City
  9. Enid
  10. Stillwater


Enter your email address above to identify how many Registered Sex Offenders are in your neighborhood.

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