Connecticut Sex Offender Map

The amount of registered sex offenders in Connecticut has been growing, but it still has fewer than most of the other states in the country. The Connecticut Sex Offender Registry is maintained by the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection.

Part of the success the state has with maintaining the integrity of the offender registry is due to the fact that the public is entrusted to help verify the information. If anyone notices incorrect or outdated information, they are encouraged to report it. The success depends on strong collaboration between all members of the community. Furthermore, it works, because everyone understands how they benefit from their participation.

Locate Sexual Predators in Connecticut with SeekVerify

The state of Connecticut has only 5,281 registered offenders at the moment. The issue with reporting a specific number like that is about how quickly that number can change. Thus, it would be ideal for everyone to monitor the sex offender registry several times a day, but that is not realistic. Fortunately for everyone, there is a public resource that can constantly monitor the information for you. It is called SeekVerify, and it is an excellent tool to keep your family safe.

All you have to do is provide your e-mail address in the form below. SeekVerify is great, because it lets the user decide what notifications they want to receive. Notifications are sent via email immediately when new sex offenders are registered within your area. The updates you receive are dependent upon the area you want to be informed about.

Enter your email below to see how many Registered Sex Offenders live in  your Connecticut neighborhood.  This information is provided by SeekVerify.
Enter your email to identify sex offenders in Connecticut now.
(2018 Summer Special Special: 7 day trial for only $1)*

*Why is SeekVerify better than any other sex offender registry?

SeekVerify is an innovative application focused on protecting families from offline and online sexual offenders and predators by providing web-based family protection tools.

SeekVerify Family protection tools include:

  • Search, map, and view sex offenders near your home
  • Email alerts when new offenders move near your home
  • Monitor the area around your home and 3 other locations (school, other family members)
  • Online protection against child predators with award-winning Internet Filtering Software
  • Lost/Missing child Emergency Response Profiles



Get Notifications when Registered Sex Offenders Move in Your Neighborhood

Taking the time to establish a notification system through SeekVerify is a no-brainer. You will never have to worry about keeping up with Connecticut’s registry, because all relevant changes will be sent directly to you. The next time an offender moves into your neighborhood, you will know it as soon as the registry is updated.

There is so much important information SeekVerify can provide you with, but it is up to you what gets sent to your provided email address. The whole system is customizable, and it does not take long to implement. Even if it did, you will gain that time back by never having to access the state’s sex offender registry again. You can receive notifications for up to 4 addresses of any registered sex offender activity within a 5 mile radius.

Largest Cities in Connecticut

SeekVerify is a powerful resource for everyone, but it is an absolute must-have for those who live in the following municipalities. The following list is made up of the 10 cities and towns that have the highest populations. This is significant, because highly populated areas will have a higher number of sex offenders.

  1. Bridgeport
  2. New Haven
  3. Hartford
  4. Stamford
  5. Waterbury
  6. Norwalk
  7. Danbury
  8. New Britain
  9. West Hartford
  10. Greenwich


Enter your email address above to identify how many Registered Sex Offenders are in your neighborhood.

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